Trinity 2024 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 26 April
Amy Higgins
Week 2 – 3 May
No Recital
Week 3 – 10 May
Edward Beswick
Week 4 – 17 May
Felicity Howard
Week 5 – 24 May
John Johnston
Week 6 – 31 May
Aiden MacLean
Week 7 – 7 June
Ischia Gooda
Week 8 – 14 June
Alaw EvansCancelled

Week 1
Amy Higgins with Francois Cloete
26 April

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Week 2
No Recital
3 May

Week 3
Edward Beswick
10 May

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Week 4
Felicity Howard with Ischia Gooda
17 May

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Week 5
John Johnston with Jamie Andrews
24 May

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Week 6
Aiden MacLean
31 May

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Week 7
Ischia Gooda with Alfred Fardell
7 June

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Week 8
Alaw Evans – Cancelled
14 June

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