NCO Studio

Shakespeare in Music


Conductor: Marcus McDevitt
Director: Theo Joly
Producer: Michael Burden

New College Chapel
2 & 3 May 2025 (please note date and cast alteration)

Tickets available from Ticketsource 


Falstaff – Ben Gilchrist
Mr Ford – Seb Evans
Ms Ford – Becky Devlin
Mr Slender – Theodore Nisbett
Ms Slender – Anneka Vetter
Maid – Emily Aldridge
Bardolfo – Akbar Ali

Based upon The Merry Wives of Windsor, Salieri’s Falstaff remains one of the earliest operatic versions of Shakespeare’s play. It tells the story of the boastful Sir John Falstaff’s attempts to woo two wealthy married women, but his plans are haltered through witty and elaborate pranks. A central moment includes a scene in which Falstaff, hiding from Mr Ford in a laundry basket, is carried out of the house from under his nose. The work premiered at the Karntnertortheater in Vienna on 3 January 1799 and was much admired. It would seem the very features that cause Shakespeareans to look down upon the original work — his only small-town drama — are the aspects that benefit this successful opera buffa, in which trickery, chaos, and excellent music combine to make this a rambunctious event indeed.
Theo Joly

A NEW OPERA for 2025


Libretto: Colley Cibber
Music: Johann Christoph Pepusch

In a new edition by Robert Rawson

Musical Director: Rudyard Cook
Producer: Michael Burden

New College Chapel
7 & 8 February 2025

Tickets available from Ticketsource 

Venus – Matilda Bates
Adonis – Sam Chichester-Clark
Mars – Rhys Williams

The Berlin-born Johann Christoph Pepusch spent much of his working life in in England arriving in 1704. He was an active musician, and is recorded as a violist, a theatre director, music theoretician, teacher, and organist. In 1726, he founded The Academy of Vocal Music with others; in around 1730–1, it was renamed The Academy of Ancient Music. He also founded the Madrigal Society, and in 1713 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Music by the University of Oxford. He is best known today for his arrangement of the music for the 1728 Beggar’s Opera.

In his second decade in London, Pepusch wrote for Drury Lane a number of masques, small entertainments which included a setting of Barton Booth’s Death of Dido, staged by New Chamber in 2023. In 1715, he set Colley Cibber’s libretto Venus and Adonis, a take on the myth in which Venus, with whom Mars is already captivated, falls for Adonis (he is only interested in hunting). In a jealous rage, Mars arranges for Adonis’s death by boar during the hunt. In setting the text, Pepusch set the role of Adonis for his wife, Margarita de L’Epine en travesty.

Hilary 2025 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 4 – 14 February
No Recital
Week 5 – 21 February
Daniel Atkinson
Week 6 – 28 February
Theo Peters
Week 7 – 7 March
Edward Beswick
Week 8 – 14 March
Margaret Lingas

Week 4
No Recital
14 February

Week 5
Daniel Atkinson
21 February

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Week 6
Theo Peters – Cancelled
28 February

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Week 7
Edward Beswick with Sam Mitchell
7 March

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Week 8
Margaret Lingas
14 March

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Michaelmas 2024 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 18 October
Alaw Evans
Week 2 – 25 October
Zachary Roberts
Week 3 – 1 November
Joanna Barrett
Week 4 – 8 November
Week 5 – 15 November
Emily Fraser
Week 6 – 22 November
Raphaël Maurin
Week 7 – 29 November
Jessica Edgar
Week 8 – 6 December

Week 1
Alaw Evans with Henry Coop
18 October

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Translation Text

Week 2
Zachary Roberts with George Herbert
25 October

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Week 3
Joanna Barrett with Conrad Spencer
1 November

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Week 4
No Recital
8 November

Week 5
Emily Fraser with Marcus McDevitt
15 November

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Week 6
Raphaël Maurin with Marcus McDevitt
22 November

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Week 7
Jessica Edgar with George Herbert
29 November

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Week 8
To be confirmed
6 December

Trinity 2024 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 1 – 26 April
Amy Higgins
Week 2 – 3 May
No Recital
Week 3 – 10 May
Edward Beswick
Week 4 – 17 May
Felicity Howard
Week 5 – 24 May
John Johnston
Week 6 – 31 May
Aiden MacLean
Week 7 – 7 June
Ischia Gooda
Week 8 – 14 June
Alaw EvansCancelled

Week 1
Amy Higgins with Francois Cloete
26 April

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Week 2
No Recital
3 May

Week 3
Edward Beswick
10 May

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Week 4
Felicity Howard with Ischia Gooda
17 May

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Week 5
John Johnston with Jamie Andrews
24 May

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Week 6
Aiden MacLean
31 May

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Week 7
Ischia Gooda with Alfred Fardell
7 June

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Week 8
Alaw Evans – Cancelled
14 June

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Scenes from a Life

Conductor: Luke Mitchell
Director: Michael Burden

New College Ante-Chapel
28 & 29 February 2024

Tickets from:

Matilda Bates (Saxon Sorceress)
Dara Collins (Saxon 2)
Jessie Edgar (Venus, Honour)
Alaw Grug Evans (Cupid, 2nd Syren)
Sebastian Evans (Sylvan 1)
Austin Haynes (The Cold Genius)
Francesca German (Woden’s Hall Saxon, Nymph 3)
Ben Gilchrist (King Arthur, Ecole, Berger, Pan, Man 4)
Ischia Gooda (Philidel, Nereid, 1st Syren)
Jemima Kinley (Nymph 1)
Raphaël Maurin (Saxon 1, Sylvan 3, Man 3)
Matt Pope (Saxon 3, Sylvan 2, Comus)
Jess Norton Raybould (Nymph 2, Man 2)

King Arthur is Henry Purcell’s most complicated ‘dramatick opera’ and contains some of his most recognisable music. The text is by John Dryden, and the plot is based on the battle between the Britons and the Saxons; characters include King Arthur, Merlin, Cupid, and Venus, with the action centering on the recovery by Arthur of his fiancé Princess Emmeline from the clutches of his enemy, the Saxon King Oswald. The show is what Judith Milhous calls a ‘multi-media spectacular.’ In our version, the concentration is on the musical interludes, and the score includes the best-known music: the ‘Frost Scene’ sung by the Cold Genius, the hymn ‘Fairest Isle’ performed by Venus, and ‘Harvest Home’, the rollicking drinking song sung by peasants.

Nyman & Bach

The Draughtman’s ContractProspero’s Books 

Harpsichord Concerto BWV 1052

Conductor: Alessandro Mackinnon-Botti
Harpsichord: Luke Mitchell

New College Ante-Chapel
7 March 2024

To note: this concert has been incorrectly advertised in some places as taking place on 5 March 2024.

Tickets from:

The composer Michael Nyman, whose music features in this concert, is a composer, librettist and musicologist, known for his collaborations with the filmmaker Peter Greenaway. Greenaway’s The Draughtman’s Contract, released in 1982, is a murder mystery set in 1694 in a country house in Wiltshire (the house is the film is Groombridge Place). The draughtsman, who is murdered in the final scene, has been employed to draw a number of views of the estate, each one of which forms an episode of the story and of music, which borrows freely from the music of Henry Purcell. Prospero’s Books, a later Peter Greenaway film from 1991 British is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, in which Sir John Gielgud plays Prospero. The conceit is that Prospero is Shakespeare, who in the film constructs the play inside his head, and at the end of the film sits down to write The Tempest.

Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto BWV 1052 in d minor was extent by 1734 in a version that originally consisted only of the orchestral parts; the solo part was added in later, and the whole copied by Bach himself in 1738 into the manuscript of all eight of his concertos, BWV 1052–1058. The work was written in stages, with all three movements being used as movements in cantatas. 

Hilary 2024 Recitals

Fridays, 1.15pm
New College Ante-chapel

Welcome to the New Chamber Opera Studio Recital Series which is held on Fridays at 1.15 pm during term time in New College Ante-Chapel. The recital series has been running since 1994 and offers singers across the University and beyond the opportunity to perform a short programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

Week 2 – 26 January
Theo Cawood
Week 3 – 2 February
Matilda Bates
Week 4 – 9 February
Maurice Cole
Week 5 – 16 February
John Morshead
Week 6 – 23 February
Felicity Howard
Week 7 – 1 March
Josh Dennis
Week 8 – 8 March
Vocal Ensemble 
Maxim Fielder, Ellie Stamp, Ischia Gooda, Daniel Atkinson

Week 2
Theo Cawood
26 January

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Week 3
Matilda Bates with Luke Mitchell
2 February

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Week 4
Maurice Cole with Henry Coop
9 February

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Week 5
John Morshead with Francois Cloete
16 February

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Week 6
Felicity Howard – Cancelled
23 February

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Week 7
Dennis & the Menaces
1 March

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Week 8
The Anima Consort
8 March

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Summer Oratorio 2024

The Judgment of Paris

Libretto: William Congreve
Music: John Weldon, one time Organist of New College, Oxford

Conductor: Luke Mitchell

New College Chapel
5 June 2024
8.00 pm

Tickets available from: Ticketsource

British (English) School; John Wheldon; Faculty of Music and Bate Collection of Musical Instruments;

Will Anderson
Mercury, messenger of the gods
John Johnston
Paris, a shepherd
Jemima Price
Juno, goddess of marriage 
Joanna Barrett
Pallas, goddess of war
Jessica Edgar
Venus, goddess of love

In 1700, a group of nobles put up a ‘Musick Prize’ by offering through the pages of the London Gazette of 18 March: First prize was 100 guineas, second 50, third 30, and fourth 20, and the task was to set a new libretto, a masque, The Judgment of Paris, written for the occasion by William Congreve. John Weldon was one of four known entrants, the others being John Eccles, Daniel Purcell and Gottfried Finger. The works were performed singly and then together on one evening when the competition was run; the Prize was won by Weldon, Organist of New College, Oxford, much to the chagrin of most involved, with vague accusations of incompetence and corruption circling around the decision.In the masque, Mercury appears to the Shepherd Paris with the Golden Apple of Discord and asks him to award it to the Goddess for whom he has the most regard. The goddesses – Juno, Pallas, and Venus – all sing to him, presenting a future in each of their respective spheres, worldly power, war, and beauty. Pallas, seduced by Venus, awards it to her.

Henry Purcell: Saul and the Witch of Endor; Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Actéon

Conductor: Luke Mitchell
Producer: Michael Burden

New College Ante-Chapel
15 & 16 November 2023 

£15/£7 concession – Tickets are available from Ticketsource

Saul and the Witch of Endor is a short intense warning against witchcraft. Saul, king of the Israelites, consults the fortune-telling witch of Endor on whether he will lose a forthcoming battle. Saul loses the battle, but shortly before he was to be killed, he throws himself on his sword. 

The Witch of Endor – Jemima Price
Saul – William Anderson 
Samuel – Crawford Wiley

Actéon is a short chamber opera telling the famous mythical story of Actéon, who is transformed into stag by Diana as revenge for him seeing her bathing; he is then killed by his own hounds. 

Actéon – Matt Pope 
Diane – Jessica Edgar 

Rosanna Milner, Felicity Howard, Maurice Cole, Raphaël Maurin, Maxim Fielder 

Ischia Gooda (Artethuse), Harriet Twigger-Ross (Daphné), Vertiy Sawbridge (Hyale), Joshua Dennis